Installation on a Debian System with openHAB


For the operation of CometVisu with openHAB the following things are needed:

  1. Server with working openHAB installation (all examples refer to an openHAB installation on a Debian based system via the supplied package manager apt, with other distributions the paths used in this manual may have to be adapted.

  2. A webserver with PHP-support installed.

  3. An unpacked release of CometVisu on the server

  4. An API-Token for openHAB


Since version 0.12.0 no special openHAB bindings are required, the CometVisu communicates directly with openHAB’s build-in REST API.

It is assumed that point 1 has already been met and only the following points are discussed below.

2. Install webserver

# Install web server with PHP
sudo apt install apache2 php libapache2-mod-php php-soap

Replace the content of the file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf with the following (please replace <openhab> with the IP address or the host name of the openHAB server, if everything runs on one server, you can use localhost).

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html

    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

    Header set X-CometVisu-Backend-OpenHAB-Url "/rest/"
    Header set X-CometVisu-Backend-Name "openhab"

    ProxyPass /rest http://<openhab>:8080/rest
    ProxyPassReverse http://<openhab>:8080/rest /rest

    <Directory /var/www/html>
        Require all granted
        AllowOverride all

3. Installing the CometVisu on the server

The CometVisu can be downloaded here: The unpacked package contains the folder cometvisu/release, which must be copied to the server in the following path /var/www/html. Furthermore you have to set appropriate permissions for the webserver user and some configuration directories must be created. All this can be done with the following console commands:

# Copy the release directory to the right place
cp -r cometvisu/release /var/www/html

# Adjust user rights for the web server
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html

4. Create API token in openHAB

For some requests to openHAB the CometVisu needs to be authenticated. You can create credentials in the profile view of the openHAB UI (accessible by clicking on the username in the lower left corner) to generate an API token. To do this click on “Create new API token” and enter your credentials (username + password) and a name for the token. (please leave the field “Token (optional)” empty). This will generate and display a new token. This token must now be copied (it will only be displayed once at this moment and can’t be viewed later) and be entered as username`` in the pages element of the CometVisu config file.

    design="metal" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../visu_config.xsd" scroll_speed="0" lib_version="9">

Now, the CometVisu is directly accessible in the browser with the URL http://<server>/?config=<name>, where <name> is derived from the name of the visu_config_<name>.xml.