Customize CometVisu

The CometVisu can be customized in many different ways to your own needs. In the following, the different possibilities - sorted by degree of complexity - are described in detail.

Adjustment Changes Descrition
Own CSS-Rules Appearance Override the existing CSS rules of a theme by loading additional CSS files.
Use own Icons Appearance In addition to the included icons, custom icons can be added via the configuration file.
Widgets with class Appearance Many widgets can be customized by adding the class attribute and matching CSS rules.
Write own Design Appearance If additional CSS rules are not enough, a new design can be created.
Write own Widgets Content Add new widgets through plugins.
Write own Structure Content The conversion of the configuration files into HTML code can be completely changed by creating a new structure.

Change existing design

The existing designs can be adapted by own CSS rules. In the metafile of the configuration file, paths to CSS files can be specified, which are loaded in addition to the CSS files of the CometVisu design.

The CSS-files can be uploaded with the Manager, if it is not possible to access the servers filesystem directly.

Extracting a configuration file that loads 2 additional CSS files:
<pages... design="metal">
            <file type="css">resource/config/media/my-custom-style.css</file>
            <file type="css">resource/config/media/my-other-custom-style.css</file>


In earlier versions of CometVisu (<= 0.10.x) the CSS rules had to be entered in the custom.css file of the respective design. Although this still works, it is recommended to copy these rules into a new file and integrate them using the path described here. The old way will only be maintained for reasons of compatibility and will be removed in future versions.

Include your own icons

This option defines the name of the icon, which is located under the directory specified in uri. The icons defined in this way can then be accessed via the name that is easier to remember. The directory specification is in the example relative to the CV installation.

Here, the icons were previously stored in a separate subdirectory.

Add an additional icon
            <icon-definition name="Icon1" uri="./resource/config/media/icon1.png"/>
      <label><icon name="Icon1"></icon></label>

Change individual widgets through CSS classes

With many widgets it is possible to specify a class attribute in the configuration file, which can then be used for own CSS rules. This gives you the opportunity to visually change individual widgets.


The value of the class attribute specified in the configuration file is given a custom_ prefix. So from <switch class = "fancy"... the HTML code <div class="switch custom_fancy"...

An individualized switch widget
<pages... design="metal">
            <file type="css">resource/config/media/my-custom-style.css</file>
        <switch class="fancy">...</switch>
CSS rules for the switch widget in the file resource/config/media/my-custom-style.css
.switch.custom_fancy {
    color: pink;

Write your own design

In addition to the already described possibilities for optical adjustments, there is a further possibility to write a completely new design.

A CometVisu design consists of at least the following files:

  • basic.css: Main CSS file with all the rules needed for the design

  • mobile.css: CSS rules for small screen mobile devices (may be blank)

  • design_setup.js: Optional Javascript file that can make adjustments that

    are not possible via CSS (may be empty)


To develop and test a new design, the source version of CometVisu is ready. This can be obtained by cloning the git repository, executing ./generate source (clone once and each time a new file is added to the design).

Write your own widgets via plugins

New widgets can be added via plugins. This is a good entry point into the CometVisu development as you get to know the possibilities of the system. As documentation of the possibilities of your own widget the source code of the existing plugins can be used. This chapter is more about how you can integrate such a plugin into the CometVisu.

Here is a distinction between two ways in which plugins are integrated into the CometVisu.

  1. Embedded Plugins: Plugins that come with the CometVisu and go through their build process


    • Are part of CometVisu and are therefore available to all users. Compatibility with future CometVisu versions is usually guaranteed.
    • The code is optimized and minified when creating the CometVisu release, which shortens the load time
    • The use of additional auxiliary classes from the Qooxdoo framework is easily possible.
    • Part of the Git version management: all changes to the code are recorded and can be reversed if errors occur.


    • Additional configuration needed, so that the plugins can be delivered with the CometVisu
    • To develop the source version of CometVisu is needed
    • Git knowledge required
  2. Independent Plugins: These are Javascript files, which are loaded by CometVisu during initialization


    • Easy integration
    • Can be used and developed with a release of the CometVisu


    • Is not part of the CometVisu, the user must take care of himself for compatibility with future CometVisu versions.
    • No code optimizations possible
    • Additional dependencies to Qooxdoo classes not possible (which is not part of CometVisu can not be used)

Structure a Widget

To add a new widget, three things are needed:

  1. A parser that can read the widget definition from the XML configuration file
  2. A widget class that receives the data from the parser and generates HTML code that will be incorporated into the GUI. It also handles everything in the class that the widget needs. This includes e.g. Detecting user interactions and resulting status updates sent to the backend, or even presenting status updates received from the backend.
  3. An XSD schema definition that describes the structure of the widget in the XML configuration file (not required for Standalone plug-ins)

Every widget in CometVisu consists of these three things. In the standard widgets, the parser and the widget class are divided into two different files, with plugins both are in one file. The schema definitions can all be found in the visu_config.xsd file.


Dividing the parser and widget classes into two files has the advantage of making it easier to swap widget classes. All standard widget classes are grouped together in a structure called Pure. It is possible to exchange this structure with another one. In order not to reprogram all parsers in such a case, this separation has been made.

example plugin

A simple example, for a new widget that can be plugged in, can be found in the resource/config/structure_custom.js.

qx.Class.define('cv.ui.structure.pure.Headline', {
  extend: cv.ui.structure.AbstractWidget,

  statics: {
    // parse element from visu_config*.xml
    parse: function (xml, path, flavour, pageType) {
      var data = cv.parser.WidgetParser.parseElement(this, xml, path, flavour, pageType);
      data.content = xml.textContent;
      return data;

  properties: {
    content: {
      check: 'String',
        init: ''

  members: {
    // generate the DOM string to be added to the GUI
    getDomString: function () {
      return '<h1 ' + (this.getClasses() ? 'class="'+this.getClasses()+'"' : '') + '>' + this.getContent() + '</h1>';

  // this function is executed when this file is loaded
  defer: function(statics) {
    // register the parser
    cv.parser.WidgetParser.addHandler("headline", cv.ui.structure.pure.Headline);
    // register the widget
    cv.ui.structure.WidgetFactory.registerClass("headline", statics);

This file provides a widget which adds to the GUI a heading element with arbitrary text. It can be used in the configuration file as <headline> ... </ headline>. It is important that the widget in the configuration file is always embedded in a <custom> element. Since no schema definition exists for this stand-alone plug-in, this additional step is necessary so that the schema validator does not mark the configuration file as invalid.

To use this plugin, the file must be loaded.

            <file type="js" content="plugin">resource/config/structure_custom.js</file>
        <headline>My new widget!</headline>

For the CometVisu to recognize that the file provides a stand-alone plugin, it must be specified with the attributes type="js" content="plugin". If this does not happen, it can happen that the file is loaded at the wrong time and can not be used due to an error.

Write your own structure

If the HTML code generated by the CometVisu is to be changed, you have to write a new structure. So far, only the pure structure exists in the CometVisu under the path cv.ui.structure.pure. It contains all widget classes provided by CometVisu. These are responsible for generating HTML code from a configuration file read by the Parsers.

A new structure changes the generated HTML code, so you always have to write a new design for this structure.


The writing of a new structure is planned, but has never been implemented. Therefore, it is quite possible that further preparatory work is required in order to exchange the structures easily.